
Innovation Showcase

     For this project, my client is Craig, a 36 year old man who was recently diagnosed with a C7 complete spinal cord injury. Craig owns a music retail store and has a wife who also works. Craig would normally work around 70 hours in his store and his hope of having the store is so that his wife could stop working once they have children. Craig fell off a ladder at his store and resulted in his spinal cord injury. He has flaccid paralysis in his upper and lower extremities. He has no sensation below the C7 level and requires assistance with ADL's, transfers, and mobility.      For my project I created a plastic holder for Craig to use at his music retail store that can attach to a wheelchair or walker. The idea I had was to create something where Craig could attach the holder to a wheelchair for him to be able to play CD's or other items into slots that are cut out on the top of the container. This would hold the items in place and give Craig an easier way...

Nero Note #6- Gillain Barre Syndrome

 For this neuro note, I picked a story from the GBS/CIDP foundation website about a patient named Ariana. The story talked about how Ariana's diagnosis was inconclusive for a while until she became the first known child with Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) in Gibraltar. In the story, it talks about some of the treatment she had been given to alleviate some of her pain and the process her parents have been going through to support their child. Ariana is not her parents only child and so in the story it talks about how her parents want to be there for Ariana but not neglect their other children through this challenging time. i chose this resource because I never knew much about GBS and I thought it would be insightful to hear people's personal stories who have GBS.  In regards to our course content, I learned a little more about the kinds of treatment options that could be given for pain related to Ariana's diagnosis. I also learned about the importance of support, which we tal...

Neuro Notes #5- Multiple Sclerosis

 I read the article entitled "Danielle's Story 'I am not MS, and MS is not me!'" and watched the youtube video at the end of the article. In the article, it gives a brief description about what multiple sclerosis (MS) is, some of the symptoms, and some general statistics about the disease. It goes on to talk about how Danielle was first diagnosed and how debilitating it was for her at first, but her doctors helped her get back to doing what she loves to do the most, ballet. The youtube video at the end of the article is a dance routine that Danielle performed after her diagnosis of MS and after some treatment. To further my learning on the topic of MS, I referred to my class notes to understand the symptoms and treatment options for MS.  In relation to the course content, I learned more about how even though there is no cure for MS, there is some treatment that can help with the symptoms of MS. Reading this article and watching the youtube video helped me realize ...

Neuro Notes #4- SCI

      I read an article called " A Meaningful Life". The article is about how Francesco 14 years ago fractured his spine from a pool diving accident. Francesco talks a lot in the article about how he is grateful for everyday of his life he still has. He describes how every moments of his life flashed before him when he was drowning but he was determined it was not his time to go yet. He did what doctors didn't think was possible, survive his accident. A lot of people always ask him what happened but Francesco said that on the anniversary of the accident he likes to ask himself that question. Although he is injured and needs more help than before the accident, he is grateful to still be here today. I used Dr. Lancasters notes as well as information from my case study to further my learning about spinal cord injuries (SCI). I chose this resource amongst others because I did a case study on a SCI and the accidents were very similar to one another, and I wanted to see ho...

Neuro Note #3- Parkinson's Disease

 I read the article entitled "Margie Alley Plays Ping-Pong to Cope with Parkinson's Disease". The article talks about how Margie Alley was a tennis player who was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease after a misdiagnosis from a podiatrist. Margie was having foot cramping when playing tennis and the podiatrist suggest surgery to fix the issue, but Margie continued to have pain after the operation along with more symptoms such as problems in the wrist, elbow, and knee of the left side. She eventually went to a neurologist where she was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and put on medication so she could continue to play tennis. With her diagnosis, she fell quite a bit and was afraid of further injuring herself. She was going to physical therapy where she discovered there was an indoor table tennis court where Parkinson's patients would play. She got to continue playing a sport that was similar to the one she played before her diagnosis and it made her feel compet...

SLUMS simulation

As part of the Neuro Aspects course I'm taking in OT school, I participated in a clinical simulation encounter today during which I administered a cognitive screening to a person with a recent history of  stroke. Cognition is being able to understand and process the knowledge that you gain throughout your life. OT's role in working with individuals with cognitive disorders can be to help with safety awareness, improving skills, making adjustments to the clients lifestyle to be more independent, and help maintain and improve occupational performance.  My clients score on the SLUMS was a 21 out of 30. This score indicates that the client has mild cognitive impairment. Meaning, my client could have challenges with remembering important dates/appointments, coming up with the appropriate words to use when speaking to others, or losing items/not remembering where they put them. I feel like I adapted my elevator speech to my client in a way that he would understand what it is OT's...

Neuro Note #2- TBI

     I read a blog post entitled "I Got Hit By A Boat" by Tyson Ward to learn more about traumatic brain injuries (TBI). In the blog, Tyson tells the story about the time he and his dad were in a boating accident. Tyson was worse off than his father and was in the hospital for months on end with a traumatic brain injury and was in a coma for quite some time. He had been in rehab facilities, multiple different hospital, had many different surgeries but with no sign of any progression. His doctors told his mom he was going to need to be in a nursing home with full time care for the rest of his life. After 99 days of being in the hospital in a coma, Tyson miraculously woke up one morning. Tyson then goes on the explain the complications of his brain injury to he suffered with after waking up from the coma. Dr. Lancasters lecture on TBI was the extra material that I used to understand what was happening to Tyson as he told his story.       I chose this res...