Neuro Note #2- TBI
I read a blog post entitled "I Got Hit By A Boat" by Tyson Ward to learn more about traumatic brain injuries (TBI). In the blog, Tyson tells the story about the time he and his dad were in a boating accident. Tyson was worse off than his father and was in the hospital for months on end with a traumatic brain injury and was in a coma for quite some time. He had been in rehab facilities, multiple different hospital, had many different surgeries but with no sign of any progression. His doctors told his mom he was going to need to be in a nursing home with full time care for the rest of his life. After 99 days of being in the hospital in a coma, Tyson miraculously woke up one morning. Tyson then goes on the explain the complications of his brain injury to he suffered with after waking up from the coma. Dr. Lancasters lecture on TBI was the extra material that I used to understand what was happening to Tyson as he told his story. I chose this res...