
Showing posts from August 6, 2023

Neuro Notes #4- SCI

      I read an article called " A Meaningful Life". The article is about how Francesco 14 years ago fractured his spine from a pool diving accident. Francesco talks a lot in the article about how he is grateful for everyday of his life he still has. He describes how every moments of his life flashed before him when he was drowning but he was determined it was not his time to go yet. He did what doctors didn't think was possible, survive his accident. A lot of people always ask him what happened but Francesco said that on the anniversary of the accident he likes to ask himself that question. Although he is injured and needs more help than before the accident, he is grateful to still be here today. I used Dr. Lancasters notes as well as information from my case study to further my learning about spinal cord injuries (SCI). I chose this resource amongst others because I did a case study on a SCI and the accidents were very similar to one another, and I wanted to see ho...