Cultural Impacts on Occupational Engagement
"Culture describes the knowledge, beliefs, values, assumptions, perspectives, attitudes, norms, and customs that people acquire through membership in a particular society or group." (Hammell, 2013). A person's culture can impact their daily occupations and routines in many different ways. A client might not speak the primary language where they're at, causing difficulty in interpreting. Race and class might give a person limited and unequal access to life opportunities and poverty. Financial ability can impacts a person's daily occupations and routines. Sexual orientation can influence choices in occupation and how someone socially responds to them. Also, the discrimination against those with a disability. Some personal examples on how culture can impact daily occupations would be a man not thinking I could change my own tire because I am a woman. This man took my gender and assumed I couldn't complete this occupation because of it. Another example is, when I ...