
Showing posts from September 3, 2023

Innovation Showcase

     For this project, my client is Craig, a 36 year old man who was recently diagnosed with a C7 complete spinal cord injury. Craig owns a music retail store and has a wife who also works. Craig would normally work around 70 hours in his store and his hope of having the store is so that his wife could stop working once they have children. Craig fell off a ladder at his store and resulted in his spinal cord injury. He has flaccid paralysis in his upper and lower extremities. He has no sensation below the C7 level and requires assistance with ADL's, transfers, and mobility.      For my project I created a plastic holder for Craig to use at his music retail store that can attach to a wheelchair or walker. The idea I had was to create something where Craig could attach the holder to a wheelchair for him to be able to play CD's or other items into slots that are cut out on the top of the container. This would hold the items in place and give Craig an easier way...