
Showing posts from April 2, 2023

Activity Analysis

Everyday I sit in my car to drive to school. When I go to sit in the seat, my knees start in an extended position and move into a flexed position as I reach the seat. The motion of extension and flexion at the knee occur in the sagittal plane about a frontal axis. The osteokinematics of the knee are extension to flexion in a closed kinematic chain. In terms of arthrokinematics, the moving femur is the convex segment that rolls posteriorly and glides anteriorly on the stable tibial surface. The prime mover for knee flexion are the quadriceps muscles, which perform a eccentric contraction.  Picture retrieved from:

My Why

A CEO/head administrator of a larger hospital system says they have heard of OT but they aren't clear on the difference between OT and PT. Occupational therapy can be different for every person that goes through intervention. Overall, occupational therapy is the therapeutic way to learn or re-learn how to complete activities of daily living (ADL's). Some examples of ADL's are brushing your teeth, going to the bathroom, taking a shower, getting dressed, putting on shoes, or eating/feeding. Although these are just a few examples of what ADL's are, the list is endless depending on the clients personal needs. Occupational therapist like to use the term client versus patient, because we use a holistic approach and think of the whole person through mind, body, and spirit. A big difference between PT and OT is that PT often uses the word patient, whereas we typically do not. Physical therapy is treating what is wrong with the patient such as an injury or disease often through ...